Detroit struggles to supply city with clean drinking water News Journal 3

The article related to water scarcity
Fortin, Jacey. "Detroit Schools Turn Off Drinking Water, Citing Elevated Lead and Copper" The New York Times 30 Aug. 18.
In this article, it talks about how in Detroit they are still struggling to supply their cities population with a clean water supply. Specifically, the area that is being impacted is with schools. As soon as schools begin they have to shut off the water fountains because of the amount of copper and lead in it. 16 of the 24 schools tested were shown to be heavily contaminated. To fix this issue it could take up a couple of months before the water is again safe to drink. Students are still able to use the bathroom, but they are forced to drink from water bottles and bring water outside drinking water supply. The reason for this is because of the aging infrastructure. And so to fix this the infostructure will need to be changed out for newer replacements.

This article is relevant to my literature review topic because this story is connected to the idea of water scarcity. Students have a limited water supply in school based on what they bring from home. The cause of this problem is because the government has not changed out its old infrastructure and so the customers, students, are suffering. With a privatization of the water supply, this problem would have been avoided because the quality of water distribution would have been improved.


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