Trump uses nationalism to rally supporters News Journal 12-

‘Use That Word!’: Trump Embraces the ‘Nationalist’ Label

Earlier this week President Trump sought to retake the word Nationalist and chose to go as far as described himself as one and encouraged others at a rally in Huston to do so too. In the past, the word has had a linked history to radicals and terrorist groups who used the word to justify their heinous actions. Often patriot is used instead of nationalist because of the linked past of the word. However, when interviewed later President Trump claimed that he was not aware of the words connection to said groups and told reporters that he feels it represents his love for the country and that the word should still be brought back. This is however not the first time there has been a connection of the President and an extremist group. The iconic slogan of "America First" has a deep connection to Nazi sympathizers and isolationists. These inappropriate word choices are still able to resonate with his supporters. Often these supporters are based on the idea that America has been too involved in global affairs and is too accepting with immigrants. And so with these views that are centered with the idea that its own citizens should be Americas first and only priority, they are able to really connect to supporters. Currently, the President approval ratings are at their all-time highest of 47 percent, and so this shows that his nationalist bassed speeches have been working to help him gain support from the country.

This article is able to connect to the topic of Nationalism because of how the President has been using nationalistic ideas in order to inspire and to gain support from the country. By expressing these extream ideas and playing into the fears of citizens he is able to indirectly support these nationalistic groups. Nationalism is often used by the US government in order to describe political figures and forces in other countries that represent a treat. But as Trump currently seeks to change to take back the word, the future of nationalistic ideas could change moving on into the future.


Baker, Peter. "‘Use That Word!’: Trump Embraces the ‘Nationalist’ Label" The New York Times. 20            Oct, 2018.


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