Countries straggle with following through on Climate Change policies News Journal 5

Article about sustainable development
Ives, Mike. "Rich Nations Vowed Billions for Climate Change. Poor Countries Are Waiting". The New York Times 9 Sept. 18
In this article, it talks about how many wealthier nations have promised to give billions of dollars in order to help poor countries develop sustainably in order to reduce climate change. It was promised, "2009 to mobilize $100 billion a year by 2020 to help the poorest countries deal with climate change"(Ives). This promise has been slowly implemented and the poorer nations are getting impatient. Some are saying even that it is hopeless to keep waiting for this money to come in. One of the plans for the money was for it to be used by the Green Climate Fund which would help poorer countries to prepare for climate disasters and develop low fossil fuel economies. The reason for the demand on richer nations is because it is believed that the richer countries were the ones to be most responsible for climate change. With the effects of climate change rising quickly, the world must act fast in response. All eyes are on the richer nations.

This article is relevant to the idea of sustainable development because the money that was promised to the poorer nations would then be used to implement sustainable development. This would come in the form taking their economies away from fossil fuel reliance and move it towards much more sustainable sources and towards more green technology. By moving towards green technology and practices it allows countries to develop more positive and more sustainably.


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