Rising drug costs in US out prices patients News Journal 7

An article related to health as a global issue
Rosenberg, Tina. "H.I.V. Drugs Cost $75 in Africa, $39,000 in the U.S. Does It Matter?" The New York Times 18 Sept. 18. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/18/opinion/pricing-HIV-drugs-america.html

The main point in this article is that there is a huge price discrepancy with HIV drugs. In African countries, the price of these drugs cost practically nothing compared to how expensive it is in the United States. The US has been lagging in healthcare with its high cost when compared to other counties. This is shown with, "The United States spends about $20 billion a year on H.I.V. drugs"(Rosenberg). This increase in price between the two countries is because in the US companies can scale up the cost because in that market there is enough demand to create that price. The article then goes on to talk about the specifics of the United States healthcare system and where this inflated price is able to continue to function. It then goes on to talk about how despite all of these horrible situations for Americans, it can get even worse because not all infected people have health care and so they completely have to pay for the price of medication on their own.

This article is relevant to the idea that health is a global issue because it talks about the worldwide problem of global citizens being priced out of medicine. HIV has been one of the most significant diseases in the modern day. And the by allowing citizens to be priced out of medication they are potentially left to die. This makes health a global issue. All humans should have access to vaccines and to medication should they contract these diseases.


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