Affirmative Actions place in College Admissions News Journal 14
5 Harvard Friends, and a Frank Talk About How They Got In
Signe Wilkinson's Editorial Cartoons
Published 2016-06-24 (Image 145179)
In this article, six current Harvard students are interviewed and discuss their own acceptance into the elite college. During this discussion, the article captures how different the lives of these students are and how their acceptances reflected different reasons for admission. Students talk about how they are often uncomfortable and self-conscious with how their ability to have gotten into Harvard is often questioned by others, and how it gives them a sense that their acceptances may not have been deserving. This interview was done because of the recent court case where students feel that Harvard has been unfairly giving some students from specific racial backgrounds unfair advantages in their admission process. The affirmative action done with college admission has often been in question for its fairness to students that it does not support. And so by interviewing these six students, it shows Harvard's defense, that it accepts a wide range of students, from which are scaled based on a holistic approach. However, during the interview one of the Harvard students who had two alumni parents mentioned that he often questions his acceptance into the university based on his own merit. This connects directly to the chosen political cartoon in which it depicts how the student that argue the most about affirmative actions fairness, are those that come from groups that are either supported by another form of supported admission or come from privileged backgrounds. This cartoon highlights how the use of affirmative action is to help support students from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Taylor, Kate. "5 Harvard Friends, and a Frank Talk About How They Got In" The New York Times. 1 Nov. 2018. action=click&module=Ribbon&pgtype=Article
Taylor, Kate. "5 Harvard Friends, and a Frank Talk About How They Got In" The New York Times. 1 Nov. 2018. action=click&module=Ribbon&pgtype=Article
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